Olearia cheesemanii Cockayne & Allan
O. nitida var. angustifolia Cheesem. Man. N.Z. Fl. 1906, 285.
O. arborescens var. angustifolia Cheesem. Man. N.Z. Fl. 1925, 919.
Type locality: N., Ohinemuri Gorge. Type: A, 9498, T. F. Cheeseman.
Erect shrub or tree to c. 4 m. tall, much-branched, bark ± flaking; branchlets with dense buff tomentum, grooved. Lvs on ± winged tomentose petioles c. 2 cm. long; lamina thinly coriac., dark green above and silky-hairy when young, pale buff below with very closely appressed tomentum, 5-9 × 2-3 cm., linear- to narrow-lanceolate, occ. oblong-lanceolate; margins sinuate, apex subacuminate (all forms may be on one plant). Subfloral lvs us. smaller, narrower, 6-3 cm. × 15-4 mm. Corymbs lax, us. ample, much-branched, up to 15 cm. diam.; axis and branches very slender, densely tomentose, bracts minute, pedicels c. 1 cm. long. Capitula ± 8-9 mm. long; phyll. linear-lanceolate, 3-4 mm. long, ciliolate; rays long and narrow. Achenes linear, 2-3 mm. long, finely grooved; pappus-hairs fine, sordid-white, unequal, up to 5 mm. long.
DIST.: N., S. Lowland streamsides, us. on forest margins, west of divide in S. Local from c. lat. 37° to 42°.
FL. 8-1. FT. 11-6.