Olearia coriacea Kirk
Type locality: Awatere Valley. Type: W, T. Kirk.
Shrub up to 3m. tall, with stout rigid pubescent branchlets. Lvs 1-2 cm. × 8-15 mm. including petiole up to 3 mm. long; very coriac., broad-ovate to suborbicular, glab. or nearly so above, clad in dense brownish white tomentum below, margins ± revolute and slightly undulate. Capitula shortly pedicelled, in small corymbose panicles; phyll. in several series, imbricate, forming a narrow involucre; outer short, glab. to pubescent, ± viscid-glandular. Florets solitary, tubular, perfect, whitish; achenes 1-3 mm. long, narrow-oblong, grooved, clad in appressed white tomentum in upper part, glab. below; pappus-hairs up to 3 mm. long.
DIST.: S. Lowland to montane shrubland: Awatere Valley, Ure Valley, Mount Fyffe (Seaward Kaikoura Range). Also collected by C. E. Christensen at Jack's Pass, Hanmer.
FL. 3-4.