Cotula L.
Capitula discoid, heterogamous to homogamous, on short or long, stout or slender ebracteate or bracteate scapes (plants sts dioec.). Phyll. in 1 to several series, imbricate; margins or whole lamina often scarious, often purple-tinged, sts erose, occ. incurved and ± concealing florets. Receptacle nude, flat to convex or conical. ♀forming a marginal band in 1 or 2 series, occ. more, sts with 1 or a few perfect florets. Disk-florets us. ∞, perfect or functionally ♂; anthers obtuse at base; style-arms truncate to obtuse. Achenes ± compressed, sts curved, often plano-convex, weakly to strongly ribbed, sts winged, sts stipitate. Pappus 0. Tufted to creeping perennial herbs, rarely annual or biennial, ± glandular and aromatic with alt. to fascicled lvs. Lamina imparipinnately pinnate to pinnatisect or pinnatifid, rarely entire or nearly so. Some 60 spp.; the genus widespread, the subgenus Leptinella apparently confined to N.Z., Australia, Tasmania, Kerguelen, Marion and Crozet Is and Fuegia. Of the ± 24 spp. of N.Z. 21 are endemic.
- A. Subgenus COTULA.
- ♀ without corolla, achenes in one series; disk-florets perfect with bilobed stigma; florets yellow:
- 1. coronopifolia
- ♀without corolla, achenes in several series; disk-florets perfect with bilobed stigma; florets white:
- 2. australis
- C. Subgenus LEPTINELLA.
- ♀with distinct corolla, achenes in one or several series; disk-florets functionally ♂ with undivided style; florets yellow or white (black in atrata)
- 1. Section BISEXUALES.
- Capitula bisexual
- (a) Subsection Robustae.
- Stems and sts lower parts of branches stout, ± hard and woody:
- 3. featherstonii, 4. renwickii
- (b) Subsection Aggregatae.
- Stems ± tufted, ascending; lvs clustered:
- 5. plumosa, 6. lanata, 7. atrata
- (c) Subsection Anomalae.
- Lamina cut straight down to broad apex of sheath into several subequal segs:
- 8. goyenii
- (d) Subsection Radicantes.
- Stems creeping, rooting at nodes
- (i) Series Glabratae.
- Lamina glab. or very nearly so:
- 9. potentillina, 10 traillii, 11. minor, 12. filiformis
- (ii) Series Tomentosae.
- Lamina ± densely clad in soft hairs:
- 13. villosa, 14. haastii, 15. maniototo
- (iii) Series Subulatae.
- Pinnae ± linear-subulate, arranged in a pseudo-pectinate manner:
- 16. sericea, 17. pectinata
- (iv) Series Incrassatae.
- Lamina thick, ± fleshy, glab.:
- 18. willcoxii
- 2. Section UNISEXUALES.
- Capitula unisexual
- (a) Subsection Carnosae.
- Lamina fleshy:
- 19. pyrethrifolia
- (b) Subsection Acutae.
- Lamina membr., teeth acute to acuminate, mostly confined to upper margin:
- 20. squalida, 21. perpusilla, 22. angustata, 23. linearifolia
- (c) Subsection Lobulatae.
- Teeth or lobes broad, blunt, sts strongly apiculate:
- 24. dioica
The spp. are difficult to key satisfactorily, mainly owing to the great plasticity of many―especially the considerable range of size of the parts, the degree of hairiness and the diversity of development of pinnae and ultimate teeth. We lack adequate field knowledge of most of them. Sexual expression needs much further study. Some details about the nature of the disk-florets have been made available by Miss. E. Edgar from unpublished work.
Flowering occurs from September to February, the main period being December-January. Fr. is ripe c. 1 month after flowering.