Stranvaesia davidiana
ζ*Stranvaesia davidiana Decne. ζ* is a very commonly cultivated ornamental and solitary plants have been recently collected wild among naturalised trees on Botanical Hill (Nelson), and in a conifer plantation at Hanmer (N. Canterbury). It also occasionally grows spontaneously in concrete crevices by walls or gutters in Christchurch. An evergreen shrub or small tree up to c. 5 m high; shoots with dense white hairs; lvs ± oblong, hairy and reddish brown when young, glabrous and green later. Fls c. 1 cm diam., in rather large corymbs; petals spreading, white, ± orbicular; pomes small, globose, dull crimson with carpels free from receptacle in the apical 1/2. (W., S.W. and C. China, 1988).