Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Fragaria L.


(C.J.W., D.R.G.)

Short-stemmed, perennial, mat-forming herbs, not armed, with long, ± leafy runners. Lvs in basal rosettes, sometimes in clusters scattered along runners or cauline, long-petiolate, pinnately 3-foliolate or rarely pinnate or 1- or 5-foliolate, dentate or crenate; stipules free in upper part and adnate to petiole below, persistent. Infl. of 1-several, small-to medium-sized, ⚥ fls borne on slender peduncle arising from basal rosettes or in axils of runner lvs. Hypanthium with a central, convex, spongy receptacle (carpophore). Epicalyx segments leafy, entire to toothed. Calyx usually with 5 ± triangular and prominent sepals. Petals 5, ± obovate, usually white, rarely yellow. Stamens 10-30. Ovary superior; carpels 10-80; styles surrounded by hypanthium rim; ovules 1 per carpel. Fr. a head of many achenes in pits on surface of soft, fleshy, coloured receptacle, the styles deciduous at fruiting.


Fls c. 25-30 mm diam.; fr. up to 25-(50) mm diam., with sepals usually appressed; leaflets glabrous above or with scattered hairs
Fls 10-18 mm diam.; fr. up to 15 mm long, with sepals deflexed; leaflets usually sparsely to moderately pilose above, rarely almost glabrous

c. 20-30 spp., N. temperate and montane tropics. Naturalised sp. 1 and 1 cultivated hybrid.

Many Fragaria spp. have been described, but a large number should probably be placed in synonymy - some authorities accept as few as 8. Some spp. are widely cultivated for their edible fr., e.g., F. × ananassa, the garden strawberry, and F. moschata Duchesne, the hautbois strawberry.

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