Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Arctoteae Cass.


Annual herbs or perennial herbs to shrubs. Latex usually 0, sometimes present. Capitula usually heterogamous; outer florets ligulate, ♀ or neuter; ligules 3-toothed; inner florets tubular, ⚥ or ♂. Involucral bracts in (2)-4-8 imbricate series, free or united at base. Receptacle glabrous or ciliate, rarely bearing scales. Anther bases sagittate, rarely caudate. Style branches oblong, divergent (ray florets), or united almost to apex (disc florets). Pappus of (1)-2-(several) rows of free or rarely united scales or bristles.


Involucral bracts united at base to form a cupule; latex present
Involucral bracts free; latex 0
Ray florets fertile; achenes densely villous with white to yellowish hairs, with 2 longitudinal grooves on dorsal face; pappus in 2 rows
Ray florets sterile; achenes densely covered with long buff to mauve woolly hairs, without longitudinal grooves; pappus in 1 row

16 genera, 200 spp., mainly Africa, with minor extensions to the Middle East and Australia.

The Gorteriinae (represented in N.Z. by Gazania) were revised by Roessler, H., Mitt. Bot. Staatssamm. (München) 3 : 71-500 (1959).

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