Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Leucogenes leontopodium (Hook.f.) Beauverd

L. leontopodium (Hook. f.) Beauverd in Bull. Soc. bot. Genève Sér. 2, 2, 1910, 242.

Helichrysum leontopodium Hook. f. Fl. N.Z. 1, 1853, 141, t. 37B.

Gnaphalium (Helichrysum) colensoi Hook. f. Handbk N.Z. Fl. 1864, 154.

Original localities: Ruahine Range and Mount Hikurangi. Type: K, "N.Z. Colenso 59, 1847".

Stock stout, woody; stems much-branched, decumbent, woody at base; branchlets ascending. Lvs sessile, 8-20 × 4-5 mm., 3-5-nerved at base, linear- to lanceolate-oblong, acute to subacute, clad on both surfaces in silvery-white to yellowish, shining, appressed tomentum; basal lvs crowded in subrosettes, cauline densely imbricate to rather distant. Peduncles up to 10 cm. long, clad in appressed foliaceous bracts. Capitula 8-15, congested into dense glomerules up to 25 mm. diam., subtended by up to 20 densely woolly lvs up to 2 cm. long, forming a conspicuous white ray. Phyll. linear-lanceolate, c. 5 mm. long, scarious with basal stiffening, toothed and ciliate towards acute apex, ± woolly on back towards tip. Achenes c. 1 mm. long, pappus-hairs c. 4 mm. long.

DIST.: Subalpine to alpine rocky ground and rock-crevices. N.: from lat. 38° southwards. S.: Tasman, St. Arnaud and Raglan Mountains, Wairau Mountains and Bounds Range; Mount Peel (Canterbury). A specimen in the Armstrong Herb. is labelled as from "Hurunui River, J.B.A., 1869".

FL. 11-3. FT. 1-4.

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