Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Leucogenes Beauverd

LEUCOGENES Beauverd, 1910

Capitula heterogamous, discoid, congested into dense cymose glomerules subtended by ray of prominent lvs; involucre campanulate, phyll. in several imbricating series; receptacle slightly convex, nude. ♀ few, in 1-2 series; perfect florets ∞; corollas of both kinds tubular, 4-5-toothed. Style-arms of perfect florets long, compressed, subcapitate and papillate at apex. Pappus-hairs 20-25, flattened at base, thickened and papillate towards apex; achenes silky-hairy. Perennial tomentose herbs, woody at base. Genus of 2 spp. endemic to N.Z.


Lvs 8-20 mm. long, acute to subacute, basal ones crowded in sub-rosettes; lvs of ray up to 2 cm. long
Lvs 5-10 mm. long, obtuse, sts apiculate, basal ones not crowded in subrosettes, lvs of ray not > c. 1 cm. long
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