Lichens A-Pac (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition A-Pac
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Lecidea thomsonii

L. thomsonii Zahlbr., Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-naturwiss. Kl. 104: 297 (1941).

Holotype: New Zealand. Southland, Bluff, on coastal rocks, viii.1933, J.S. Thomson 185 – W; isotype – OTA 029414 [all type material has associated with it Rinodina thiomela].

Description : Flora (1985: 240–241).

Chemistry : Not tested.

S: Known only from the type collection.


Lecidea thomsonii is characterised by: the saxicolous habit; the pale ochraceous to dingy yellow-brown thallus; scattered, sessile, black, epruinose apothecia to 0.8 mm diam.; a greenish black epithecium. A colourless hymenium 90–100 μm tall; a dense, brown-black hypothecium, and broadly ellipsoidal ascospores, 11–12 × 6–7 μm. As indicated above, this species is not correctly accommodated in Lecidea s. str.

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