Lepidium L.
Annual, biennial or perennial taprooted herbs, sometimes subshrubby with stout woody rootstock, rarely shrubs. Hairs simple or papillate or 0. Stems prostrate to erect, leafy. Lvs simple, toothed or 1-2-pinnatifid, or pinnate. Racemes ebracteate. Sepals erect to patent, not saccate. Petals white, rarely yellow or reddish, or often 0. Stamens (0)-2-6, without appendages. Nectaries variable, 6 or 4, tuberculate or filiform. Style long, short or 0; stigma capitate. Silicle ovate, elliptic, obovate, circular or rhomboid, angustiseptate, dehiscent; valves keeled and usually winged, the wings forming a notch at apex and sometimes fused to the base of the style. Seeds ovoid, winged or not, 1 per locule.
150 spp., cosmopolitan. Native spp. 7, naturalised 12.
Silicles of Lepidium vary a little in size and shape. For consistency, measurements of silicles should be made at about the middle of a fruiting raceme. Silicles of most spp. and the major stem hair types are shown in Fig. 45.
L. ruderale is not present in N.Z.; specimens of several other spp., including L. africanum, L. desvauxii, L. hyssopifolium, and L. pseudotasmanicum have been misidentified as L. ruderale in the past.
The whole genus was revised by Thellung, A., Neue Denkschr. Schweiz. Ges. Naturw. 41(1): 1-340 (1906). Australian spp. were revised by Hewson, H. J., Brunonia 4 : 217-308 (1981); Lepidium in Fl. Australia 8 (1982).
Fig. 45. Lepidium. A-Q silicles: A L. divaricatum; B L. densiflorum; C L. virginicum; D L. desvauxii; E L. kirkii; F L. sisymbrioides subsp. sisymbrioides; G L. campestre; H L. heterophyllum; I L. oleraceum; J L. africanum; K L. hyssopifolium; L L. pseudotasmanicum; M L. bonariense; N L. banksii; O L. tenuicaule; P L. flexicaule; Q L. sativum. R-T stems: R glabrous and ridged, S pubescent, T puberulent. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X54]