Bromus willdenowii Kunth
prairie grass
Coarse green to yellowish green perennial tufts, 30-120 cm, with heavy panicles. Leaf-sheath keeled above, lower sheaths with fine, silky hairs, the hairs more scattered in upper sheaths. Ligule 3-5 mm, ± tapered, denticulate. Leaf-blade 15-40 cm × 8-15 mm, abaxially smooth, or minutely scabrid on ribs, adaxially with scattered fine hairs; margins finely scabrid, tip acute to acuminate. Culm stout, ascending to erect, internodes glabrous. Panicle 15-35 cm, erect or nodding above, pyramidal with scabrid branches in threes or pairs from the distant nodes; lower branches ascending, horizontal or sometimes drooping, upper branches ascending to erect. Spikelets 2.5-4 cm, 5-9-flowered, elliptic-oblong to ± cuneate, light green, sometimes purple-suffused. Glumes ± unequal, subacute to acute, keel minutely scabrid; lower 10-14 mm, 5-7-nerved, upper c. 15 mm, 9-nerved. Lemma 17-23 mm, 9-13-nerved, keeled, nerves scabrid, internerves smooth to slightly scabrid; awn 0.5-4-(5) mm. Palea c. ⅔ length of lemma or shorter. Callus with minute hairs. Rachilla scabrid or sparsely minutely pubescent. Anthers 0.5-1 mm in cleistogamous flowers, c. 4.5 mm in chasmogamous flowers. Caryopsis 7.1-7.2 × 1.5-2.2 mm. Fig. 12.
N.; S.: throughout; St.; K., Three Kings Is, Ch. Roadsides and waste ground.
Naturalised from South America.
Flowers of Bromus may be chasmogamous or facultatively cleistogamous and both types may occur on the same plant; stamens and lodicules are shorter in cleistogamous flowers. Chasmogamous flowers are produced in spring in favourable conditions with ample soil moisture whereas cleistogamous flowers are induced by longer day-length and adverse conditions [Harlan, J. R. Amer. J. Bot. 32: 66-72 (1945); Langer, R. H. M. and Wilson, P. New Phytol. 64: 80-85 (1965)]. Some species are wholly chasmogamous or cleistogamous; McKone, M. J. Amer. J. Bot. 72: 1334-1338 (1985) found that Bromus inermis was self-sterile and chasmogamous and that B. tectorum, known to be highly self-fertile, produced mostly cleistogamous flowers.
Forde, M. B. and Edgar, E. (1995 op. cit.) supported Raven, P. H. Brittonia 12: 219-221 (1960) in treating prairie grass as Bromus willdenowii Kunth. They recognised a slender Andean segregate as a distinct species, B. catharticus Vahl; Raven also accorded this brome specific rank but referred it to B. unioloides Kunth. Other agrostologists favour a single taxon, B. catharticus Vahl : e.g., Matthei, O. Gayana Bot. 43: 47-110 (1986); Veldkamp, J. F., Eriks, M. and Smit, S. S. Blumea 35: 483-497 (1991); and Petersen, P. M. and Planchuelo, A. M. Novon 8: 53-60 (1998).