Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Anemone L.


Perennial herbs, with a creeping or tuberous rhizome or descending rootstock. Lvs mostly basal, 3-foliolate or palmate. Stems with a subfloral whorl of (2)-3-(4) lvs. Fls ⚥, solitary or in umbels. Perianth segments all petaloid, 5-15-(20), without spurs or nectaries. Stamens many, the outer sometimes reduced to nectariferous staminodes. Carpels many, with a single ovule. Achenes many, style neither elongated nor feathery.


Leaflets of basal lvs cordate at base; fls (1)-3-8 in umbels; perianth segments tomentose beneath
Leaflets cuneate at base; fls solitary; perianth segments glabrous beneath
Peduncles tomentose; fls > 2 cm diam., white or flushed with pink or purple beneath; achenes downy
Peduncles bristly or glabrous; fls < 1.5 cm diam., pinkish to reddish brown; achenes glabrous

150 spp., cosmopolitan. Native sp. 1, naturalised 1 and 1 hybrid.

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