Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Hebe epacridea (Hook.f.) Cockayne & Allan

H. epacridea (Hook. f.) Ckn. et Allan in T.N.Z.I. 57, 1926, 42.

Veronica epacridea Hook. f. Handbk N.Z. Fl. 1864, 213.

Type locality: Tarndale. Type: K, Sinclair, 1861.

Low-growing shrub with decumbent or ascending woody stems often ∞ and to 40 cm. long, internodes short and almost hidden by lvs. Lvs spreading and us. rigidly recurved, c. 5-7 × 4-6 mm., broadly ovate-oblong, bases connate and minutely ciliate; lamina strongly keeled, subacute, glab., coriac., entire with thickened border. Infl. compact, c. 15 × 12 mm., consisting of ∞ several-fld spikelets (only lowest 2-4 fls of each spikelet fully developed) in axils of little-altered lvs, surmounted by a terminal spikelet. Bracts c. 4 mm. long, elliptic, keeled, long-ciliate. Calyx-lobes similar to bracts but slightly longer. Corolla white, tube narrow, c. = calyx, lobes shorter. Capsule erect, to 3·5 × 2 mm., narrow-oblong and subacute, glab.

DIST.: S. Mountains of Nelson, Marlborough and the main divide, especially on eastern outliers. Shingle slopes.

FL. 11-2.

There is considerable difference in fl.-size between collections. Some fls appear to be perfect but in one collection from Mt. Terako (BD 76136) there are ♂ with corolla c. 6 mm. long and large fully exserted anthers distinct from ♀ with corolla c. 4 mm. long and small empty anthers at mouth of corolla-tube.

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