Aciphylla inermis W.R.B.Oliv.
Type locality: Sealy Range. Type: W, H. Suter.
Tufted, with spreading flexible 2-pinnate lvs up to 25 cm. long. Sheaths up to 40-45 × 20 mm., tapering to stipules 20-40 × 1 mm. Petioles 3-4 cm. long, lower internodes 2-3cm. long. Primary pinnae 4-5 pairs, striate, 7-8 cm. long; secondary 2-3 pairs, 5 cm. × 3 mm., striate, margins slightly thickened, tips with non-pungent acicle ± 1 mm. long. Stems of male plant finely grooved, c. 50 × 1 cm. including infl. c. 25 cm. long. Bracts in rather distant whorls; lower with sheaths ± 4 × 1·5 cm., tapering to apex; stipules linear, acicular, 10-15 mm. long; lamina irregularly pinnate, with c.3 pairs of segs up to c.3 cm. long, lower sts with a few secondary pinnules. Umbels ± 20, on slender rays, involucral bracts capillary.
DIST.: S. Known only from type, male, specimen.