Aciphylla spedenii Cheeseman
Type locality: Cecil peaks near L. Wakatipu. Type: A, 6536, J. Speden, Jan. 1912.
Stock stout, simple to multicipital, with solitary rosettes, or these forming clumps up to 3 dm. diam. Lvs rather soft, striate, with membr. sheaths ± 8 cm. × 15-20 mm., hyaline-margined. Stipules lflike, ± 6-7 cm. × 2-3 mm., pungent; petioles not > 5 mm. long; lflts subflabellately 5-foliolate, with very short internodes. Pinnae up to 8 cm. × 3 mm., subrigid, coriac., striate; margins and midribs thickened; apices pungent. Stems of male plants stout, up to 15 cm. long excluding ± globose infl. up to 10 cm. diam. Bracts flaccid, with broad membr. sheaths, short linear stipules and lamina of 5-6 pinnules. Umbels several to ∞ on peduncles up to 2.5 cm. long; umbellules without bracteoles. Calyx-teeth minute; petals white, clawed. Female infl. not known.
DIST.: S. Higher montane to subalpine, Eyre Mountains westward.