Aciphylla flexuosa W.R.B.Oliv.
type locality: western part of Mount Alta Range, near L. Wanaka, 4000 ft. Type: W, Petrie; a female plant.
Tufted herb up to c. 5 dm. tall. Lvs pinnate, us. 2 pairs; sheaths yellowish, smooth, shining, ribbed at base, with membr. margins, up to c. 8 cm. × 15 mm., tapering to 7mm. Stipules lflike, up to c. 9·5 cm. × 2.5 cm., acicular. Petioles ± 3-4 cm. long, with distinct midrib; internodes up to 2 cm. long; pinnae up to 10 cm. long, widening to 4 mm. at or near midway, then tapering to pungent point. Stems ribbed, c. 6 mm. diam., ± 35 cm. to infl. c. 10 cm. long. Bract-sheaths smooth, with membr. margains, lower ± 15 × 7·5 mm.; stipules up . 2 cm. long, pungent; lamina lflike. Umbels of female plants > sheaths; primary rays several, up to 10 mm. long. Umbelles crowded on very short rays. Fr. c. 5 × 2 mm.
DIST.: S. Known only from