Aciphylla trifoliolata Petrie
type locality: "Rocky spurs on Mount Lyell, western Nelson". Type: W, 2113, W. Townson.
Stout, up to c. 4 dm. tall, with simple or branched stock. Lvs ± 20-25 cm. long, very firm to rigid. Sheaths narrow, ± 3 cm. long; stipules unequal, up to 2.5cm. long, linear-subulate, pungent; petioles ± 3cm. long, narrow; internodes c. 2 mm., Primary pinnae 1-(2) pairs (pinnae rarely absent), margins yellow finely crenulate-serrulate, (8)-12-16 cm. × 5-9 mm. (at greatest width), striate, acuminate, pungent; midrib distinct, canaliculate. Stems of male plants stout, grooved, up to 2.5dm. long. Bracts close-set, many; sheaths up to 6 cm. long, rather narrow-oblong; stipules acicular; lamina stiff, acicular, up to c. 10 cm. long. Umbels several, small, distant, on stout peduncles ± 9cm. long. Stems of female plant deeply grooved, ± 6 mm. diam., bearing an oblong infl. ± 15 cm. long. Bracts ± concealing umbels; sheaths 35 × 10 mm., ribbed; stipules c. 15 mm. long, pungent; lamina up to 8 cm. × 4 mm., with stout midrib and pungent apex. Fr. ± 5 mm. long.
DIST.: Known only from