Aciphylla verticillata W.R.B.Oliv.
A. hectori Cheesem. Man. N.Z. Fl. 1925, 668 non Buchan. in T.N.Z.I. 14, 1882, 346.
Type locality: Mount Kyeburn. Type: A, 6512, Matthews.
Tufted plant up to c. 25 cm. tall. Lf-sheaths up to ± 8 cm. × 12 mm., tapering to ± 8 mm.; margins membr. Stipules up to ± 10 cm. long (sts vestigial or absent in male plants). Lamina simple, 6-10 cm. × 3-5 mm., on petiole up to c. 5 cm. long, rather flaccid, acute to acicular. Stem of male plant c. 12 cm. long to infl. c. 16 cm. long. Lower bracts in whorls of c. 7, upper fewer; sheaths narrow, ± 4 cm. long; stipules up to 2 cm. long, acicular, sts vestigial or absent; lamina up to c. 5 cm. long, linear, acicular. Umbels rather close-set, lower up to c. 6 cm. long on rather stout rays; umbellules several, ± 5 mm. diam., on very short rays. Stems of female plants stout, ribbed, ± 20 cm. long to infl. c. 20 cm. long. Lowest bracts in whorls of ± 10, distant from next whorl; sheaths 5-6 cm. × 5-10 mm.; stipules lflike, ± 5-6 cm. × 2-2.5 mm; lamina simple, c. 8 cm. long apex acicular. Umbels short, dense-fld, in heads up to 2 cm. diam; umbellules small, rays slender. Fr. c. 5 mm. long, ribbed, with persistent calyx-teeth.
DIST.: S. Higher montane to subalpine; between Amuri Pass and Lake Man, Westland, Mount Kyeburn.