Hebe bollonsii (Cockayne) Cockayne & Allan
Veronica bollonsii Ckn. in Proc. N.Z.I. 44, 1912, 50.
Type locality: Poor Knights Is. Type: W, 5296, L. Cockayne No. 9033.
Erect shrub 1-2 m. tall. Branchlets green, finely pubescent, length of internodes 6-10 × diam. Lvs ± erect, 4-8 × 1·5-3 cm., broad-elliptic, rather coriac. and glossy; lf-bud without sinus; lamina acute or shortly acuminate, base gradually narrowed, entire, glab. except for minute pubescence above midrib. Infls lateral, simple, mostly 2-3 × lf-length, peduncle long. Fls rather lax, pedicels 3-4 mm. long, = or > narrow ciliolate bracts. Calyx-lobes acute, ciliolate, c. 3 mm. long. Corolla white or faintly bluish, tube narrow funnelform, c. = calyx, lobes = tube, broad-ovate, acute to subacute. Capsule to 4 × 3 mm., subacute, glab., < 2 × calyx.
DIST.: N. Poor Knights Is, Mokohinau Is, Hen and Chickens Is. Coastal scrub.
FL. 11-2.