Volume V (2000) - Flora of New Zealand Gramineae
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Holcus L.

Holcus L., 1753 nom. cons.

Type species: H. lanatus L.

Tufted to long-rhizomatous perennials or tufted annuals. Leaf-sheath rounded. Ligule membranous. Leaf-blade flat. Panicle moderately dense. Spikelets 2-(3)-flowered, ± laterally compressed, falling entire at maturity, lower floret ⚥ and usually raised on a curved rachilla, upper floret(s) usually ♂, sometimes ⚥; rachilla often shortly prolonged. Glumes subequal, thinly chartaceous, ± enclosing florets, keeled from tip to midpoint or below, rarely awned; lower 1-nerved, upper 3-nerved. Lemma often polished cartilaginous, rounded, or keeled above, indistinctly 3-5-nerved, obtuse to bidentate; lemma of lower floret usually awnless, lemma of upper floret with geniculate or hooked or straight dorsal awn from upper ⅓. Palea membranous, ≤ lemma, 2-keeled. Callus hairy or glabrous. Lodicules membranous, glabrous, sometimes denticulate. Ovary apex glabrous; styles free. Caryopsis laterally compressed, rarely grooved; embryo small; hilum punctiform to shortly elliptic, rarely linear; endosperm liquid or solid.


Plant tufted, sometimes stoloniferous; upper glume usually shortly awn- tipped; awn of upper lemma uncinate, ± hidden by glumes
Plant strongly rhizomatous; upper glume not awned; awn of upper lemma slightly bent but not hooked, protruding from glumes

6 spp., from Canary Is, North Africa, and Eurasia. Naturalised spp. 2.

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