Rinodina jamesii H.Mayrhofer
* Account prepared by Dr H. Mayrhofer (Graz).
Holotype: New Zealand. Otago, Lee Stream Valley, Lee Stream Bridge c. 380 m, 170° 08' E, 45°48' S, 23 September, 1981. H. Mayrhofer, GZU.
Thallus pale grey to grey-brown, granular or rimose to rimose-areolate, without perceptible prothallus, saxicolous. Apothecia lecanorine, becoming ± lecideine, adnate to sessile, contiguous, to 0.7 mm diam., disc concave to plane and subconvex, blackish-brown, margin usually becoming excluded. Parathecium pale brownish. Hymenium 90-110 µm tall. Epihymenium dark brown. Hypothecium colourless to pale brownish. Ascospores of Physcia -type, torus well-developed, 19-25 × 9-11.5 µm. Chemistry: -.
S: Otago (Lee Stream, Otago Peninsula.).