Rinodina cacaotina
* Account prepared by Dr H. Mayrhofer (Graz).
Holotype: New Zealand. North Auckland, Anawhata. On rotten rocks on coastal cliffs. L.M. Cranwell 183, W.
Thallus sordid to pale grey, rarely brownish, warted or squamulose or subareolate, often together with small lichens with blue-green photobionts, saxicolous. Apothecia scattered or close together, sessile, lecanorine, to 0.8 mm diam., disc plane, becoming subconvex, black-brown, thalline margin entire, persistent. Hymenium 90-110 µm tall. Epihymenium brownish with a granular- inspersed epipsamma. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores of Milvina -type (with changeovers to Physcia -type), torus very well-developed, in two or three ranks, 17-23 × 9-12.5 µm. Chemistry: -.
N: North Auckland (Anawhata), South Auckland (Raglan). S: Canterbury (Banks Peninsula), Otago (Otago Peninsula). Mostly on coastal rocks.