Rinodina teichophila (Nyl.) Arnold
* Account prepared by Dr H. Mayrhofer (Graz).
Lecanora teichophila Nyl., Flora 46: 78 (1863).
Thallus thick or thin, dark grey, ochraceous to brown, rimose, plane or usually granular, often areolate, without perceptible prothallus, saxicolous. Apothecia lecanorine, subinnate, adnate to sessile, frequent, often contiguous, to 1 mm diam., disc blackish-brown, plane becoming subconvex, margin entire, concolorous with thallus. Hymenium 90-130 µm tall. Epihymenium red-brown. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores of Pachysporaria -type (with changeovers to Mischoblastia -type), 20-32 × 11-19 µm. Chemistry:.
S: Canterbury (Weka Pass), Southland (Clifden). On limestone.