Epilobium forbesii Allan
Type locality: Turk's Head. Type: BD 80808, Turk's Head Saddle, M. Simpson and R. Mirams, 24/2/53; in fl. and immature fr.
Roots ∞, fleshy, deeply descending from thick fleshy stock; stems few, fleshy, pale to dark red, clad below in remains of withered lvs, erect or spreading above, up to 20 cm. tall, us. branched in upper part. Branches erect or spreading, fleshy, glandular. Lvs opp., subpatent to ascending, crowded, mostly overlapping. Lamina obovate to broad-obovate, (10)-15-25 × (7)-10-14 mm., gradually narrowed to broad petiole up to 5 mm. long, ± fleshy, viscid-glandular on both surfaces, green tinged red; margins coarsely denticulate. Fls glab., in axils of upper lvs, ± 8 mm. diam.; calyx ± 5 mm. long, pale; lobes ovate, acute, ± 3 mm. long, white, pink-margined; petals ± 10 mm. long, flushed rose-pink, obovate, emarginate. Stigma clavate-cylindric. Capsules 15-20 × 3-5 mm., subsessile, green, viscid-glandular, slightly curved, narrowed to apex and base; peduncles obsolete or very short. Seeds very minutely papillose.
DIST.: S. Subalpine rock debris slopes: Mount Murphy, Shingly Range, M. Simpson; Carter's Saddle, Inland Kaikoura Range, L. B. Moore; Turk's Head, The Barracks, M. Simpson, R. Mirams; Mount Terako, head of Lottery River, J. K. Forbes, W. B. Brockie.
Named in honour of Mr J. K. Forbes, who has done much to increase our knowledge of the flora of the mountains accessible from Waiau.