Epilobium microphyllum A.Rich.
Type locality: "in locis siccis et arenosis (Havre de l'Astrolabe) ubi collegit clar. d'Urville." Type: P?
Small plants with woody stocks; stems branched woody at base, ascending, slender 12-15-(20) cm. long, branches purplish black, wiry, bifariously pubescent. Lvs opp., sts alt. in floral region, rather distant, on very short petioles; lamina oblong, ovate-oblong to oval to obovate on same plant, mucronulate, 3-6 × 2-4 mm., coriac., glab.; margins obscurely denticulate to entire. Fls 3-4 mm. diam.; calyx < petals, ovate-lanceolate; petals obovate, emarginate, white or pinkish. Capsules 12-20 mm. long, purplish black, silvery pubescent on angles; peduncles ± 5-(10) mm. long, very slender. Seeds smooth.
DIST.: N., S. Lowland to higher montane riverbeds, sands and open places from lat. 38° southwards.
FL.- FT. 10-3.