Chionochloa rubra subsp. cuprea Connor
; Holotype: CHR 132481! H. E. Connor Pigroot, 16 miles from Ranfurly, 22.1.1955.
Leaf-sheath to 30 cm, entire, dark brown, interribs with minute hairs sometimes glabrous. Leaf-blade to 1 m, persisting on sheath, adaxially with dense weft of long hairs at base extending up leaf-blade often with short hairs as well, papillae or prickle-teeth above. Culm to 1.5 m, internodes glabrous, sheath glabrous. Lemma to 6 mm; hairs dense on margins less so in internerves, < sinus; lateral lobes to 7 mm, awn to 3.5 mm, infrequently long triangular-acute. Plates 8D, 9A.
S.: North Canterbury and south and west to Fiordland; St. Bogs and tussock grassland; sea level to 1500 m.