Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Metrosideros robusta A.Cunn.

M. robusta A. Cunn. in Ann. nat. Hist. 3, 1839, 112.

M. florida Hook. f. in Bot. Mag. 1849, t. 4471 non

Melaleuca florida Forst. f. Prodr. 1786, 37.


Type locality: "Forests of Wangaroa". Type: K, A. Cunningham, Nov. 1826.

Tree up to 25 m. or more tall; trunk up to 2 m. or more diam.; branchlets 4-angled, puberulous. Lvs coriac., on stout petioles ± 2 mm. long; lamina 25-50 × 15-20 mm., elliptic- to ovate-oblong, obtuse, glab. Infl. of many-fld, terminal cymes; pedicels up to c. 5 mm. long. Receptacle obconic, up to 9 mm. long; sepals broad-triangular; petals about oblong, ± 3 mm. long; stamens ± 3 cm. long, red. Ovary adnate to receptacle; capsules oblong, 6-9 mm. long, distinctly exserted, loculicidally 3-valved.

DIST.: Three Kings, N., S. Coastal to lower montane forest to about lat. 42° 30' west of divide in S.

FL. 11-1. FT. 12-1.

Kirk (Stud. Fl. 1899, 162) described his var. intermedia from material collected by him on Rangitoto Id: "Twigs much stouter. Leaves excessively coriaceous, ovate-lanceolate. Cymes small. Pedicels and peduncles short and stout." Carse (T.N.Z.I. 50, 1927, 92) gave a description of his × M. sub-tomentosa, based on specimens from Lake Taupo, Whau Creek, and Titirangi. The parent spp. were M. excelsa and M. robusta. Cooper (Rec. Auck. Inst. Mus. 4, 1954, 205-212) made detailed studies of specimens in the Cheeseman Herbarium and of two mass collections on Rangitoto Id. It is clear that the crossing of the two spp. results in a polymorphic series of hybrids. Carse's No. 935/2, "amongst scrub, Titirangi, 22/5/22" in CM is taken as the type of × M. sub-tomentosa.

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