Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Metrosideros parkinsonii Buchanan

M. parkinsonii Buchan. in T.N.Z.I. 15, 1883, 339.

Type locality: "Collected in the Collingwood district, Nelson, by Mr. H. H. Travers, December, 1882."

Glab. straggling shrub or tree up to c. 7 m. tall; branchlets 4-angled. Lvs on petioles c. 2 mm. long; lamina (25)-35-50-(75) × 15-20-(30) mm., about ovate-lanceolate, rather abruptly narrowed to obtuse or subacute apex, coriac. Infl. in compound cymes, us. below lvs. Fls ∞, bright crimson; receptacle turbinate, exceeding adnate ovary. Sepals ovate-triangular; petals oblong, ± toothed; stamens ± 20-25 mm. long. Ovary adherent to base of receptacle; capsules ± 6-7 mm. long.

DIST.: N. Great Barrier Id. S. Coastal to montane forest on west to lat. 42° 30'.

FL. 11-1.

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