Metrosideros colensoi Hook.f.
Original localities: "Bay of Islands and east coast, Edgerley, Colenso, etc." Type: K, "Edgerley, 294, 1847." This and the Colenso specimen are in fr. Armstrong's record for Banks Peninsula has not been confirmed.
Slender liane, up to 6 m. or more tall; branchlets subterete, setose to pubescent. Lvs subsessile; lamina (8)-15-20 × (5)-7-10-(20) mm., submembr., about ovate-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, ± densely pubescent when young. Infl. of terminal and lateral small few-fld cymes; pedicels us. setose, ± 3 mm. long; receptacle c. 5 mm. long, ± funnelform, pubescent, far exceeding ovary. Sepals narrow-triangular, acute; petals pink to white, orbicular, hardly > sepals; filaments ± 10 cm. long. Ovary adnate to receptacle; capsule subglobose, 3-ribbed, up to c. 4 mm. diam., often less, exceeded by receptacle, loculicidally 3-valved.
DIST.: N., S. Coastal and lowland forests; occ. from lat. 35° to 42°.
FL. 11-1. FT. 12-2.