Metrosideros scandens (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Druce
Leptospermum scandens J. R. et G. Forst. Char. Gen. Pl. 1776, 72, t. 36.
Melaleuca florida Forst. f. Prodr. 1786, 37.
Type: P, 113.
Liane up to 10 m. long or more, with main stem up to 10 cm. or more diam.; bark separating in flakes. Lvs on stout petioles c. 2-5 mm. long; lamina coriac., 35-60-(75) × (10)-25 mm., about elliptic-oblong, obtuse, glab. Infl. of terminal cymes; receptacles obconic to urceolate, glab., ± 12 mm. long, ribbed. Sepals oblong, obtuse; petals suborbicular, us. orange-red; stamens ± scarlet, 20-25 mm. long. Ovary adnate to receptacle and much exceeded by it. Capsule deeply immersed, ± 10 × 10 mm., dehiscing irregularly.
DIST.: Three Kings, N., S. Coastal and lowland forest to south of lat. 44° 30'; west of divide in S.
FL. 2-6. FT. 10-12 in following season.
The Forster specimen at K has lvs ± 3·5 × 1·25-1·5 cm., subacute. A Forsterian specimen at BM has lvs ± 4·5 × 2-2.5 cm.
M. speciosa Col. in T.N.Z.I. 22, 1890, 463 from a "Forest-clearing, 1 mile north of the Waikanae Railway-station . . . April, 1889: Mr. A. Hamilton" is stated to differ from M. scandens "in general colours of bark, leaves, and inflorescence, which are all much darker . . . its smaller heads of flowers with their larger and more vividly coloured petals stamens and styles, in its longer styles far exceeding the stamens, and in its larger and more richly-coloured anthers."
M. aurata Col. in T.N.Z.I. 23, 1891, 385 from "'Collingwood'; 1890: Communicated by Mrs. S. Featon" is described as having: "Calyx . . . lobes 5, large . . . yellowish-green . . . Petals yellow . . . margins finely and closely lacinio-ciliolate . . . Stamens yellow, but soon becoming light-red . . . Style . . . tawny-reddish-yellow . . . ovary . . . indehiscent." Solitary specimens with yellow fls have been noted from Auckland to Collingwood; probably all are colour-mutants of M. scandens. Kirk (Stud. Fl. 1899, 160) accepts aurata as a var.