Scirpus L.
Perennial, occasionally annual, tufted or rhizomatous, stout or slender herbs. Stems terete or 3-angled. Leaves flat or keeled with well-developed laminae, or filiform, reduced to basal sheaths. Inflorescence varying in number of spikelets and degree of branching, from a terminal, much-branched ± umbellate panicle with several leafy bracts, to an apparently lateral single spikelet or small cluster of spikelets, with subterete green bract appearing as a prolongation of the stem. Spikelets usually many-flowered. Glumes spirally imbricate round rhachilla, all floriferous or lower 1- (2) empty; flowers hermaphrodite. Hypogynous bristles c. 6, or often 0. Stamens 3 or fewer. Stigmas 3 or 2. Nut usually obovoid or ellipsoid, trigonous, plano-convex or biconvex. Cosmopolitan genus of c. 300 spp. Native spp. 20, adventive 6.
- A
- Robust plants
- 1.
- Leaves with well-developed laminae. Inflorescence terminal with several leaf-like bracts. Hypogynous bristles present (except in georgianus). (Sect.):
- 1. *georgianus, 2. *polystachyus, 3. caldwellii, 4. fluviatilis, 5. medianus
- 2.
- Leaves reduced to basal sheaths or several like stems. Inflorescence apparently lateral, with a bract appearing as a continuation of the stem
- (a)
- Hypogynous bristles present. Nut > 2 mm long. ():
- 6. lacustris, 8. pungens
- (b)
- Hypogynous bristles 0. Nut ± 1 mm long. ():
- 7. nodosus
- B.
- Slender plants
- 1.
- Inflorescence of 1-3-several spikelets with a bract appearing as a continuation of the stem. Hypogynous bristles 0. ()
- (a)
- Perennial
- (i)
- Rhizomatous; distinctly leafy, rarely all leaves reduced to basal sheaths:
- 9. *setaceus, 10. aucklandicus, 11. basilaris, 12. caligenis, 13. cernuus, 16. habrus, 17. pottsii, 18. praetextatus, 19. subtilissimus
- (ii)
- Tufted; few-leaved or leaves all reduced to basal sheaths. Inflorescence often with proliferous off-shoots:
- 20. inundatus, 21. prolifer, 22. reticularis, 23. sulcatus var. distigmatosus.
- (b)
- Annual, tufted:
- 24 *antarcticus, 25. *chlorostachyus, 26. *platycarpus
- 2.
- Inflorescence a solitary spikelet; bract 0 or inconspicuous. Hypogynous bristles 0. ():
- 14. crassiusculus, 15. fluitans.
Flowering usually occurs from October to February and fruit is ripe c. 2. months after flowering.
The genus has been variously divided into sections, many of which have been published as separate genera and are accepted as such by several authors.
Two specimens, Molesworth airstrip (CHR 73796), Lake Camp (CHR 92306), match the type of the Australian annual S. australiensis (Maiden and Betche) S. T. Blake in a number of character but the material is too meagre for a firm decision. Both specimens are small, tufted, apparently annual and a fuller description of them is given in Moore and Edgar Fl. N.Z. 2, 1970, 187.
Descriptions of native spp. are abbreviated; additional characters can be extracted from the key and synopsis.
I. Inflorescence terminal with several wide leaf-like bracts.
Fig. 31: SCIRPUS; A: S. setaceus, inflorescence, spikelets with single bract, A 1 nut showing longitudinal ribs. B: S. caldwellii, inflorescence, spikelets with several leaf-like bracts, B 1 nut. © All rights reserved. [Image: 26XI]