Var. radicata.
B. odorata Hook. f. Handbk N.Z. Fl. 1864, 138.
Type locality: Patea village (inland Patea). Type: K, Colenso 1732.
Plant us. not > 10 cm. tall, all parts ± glandular-pubescent; stock simple to sparingly branched; rhizomes often present, short. Lvs rather few, mostly radical; lamina ± 5-15 × 5-10 mm., obovate-spathulate, crenately lobed; petioles narrow, flat, ± 10-15 mm. long. Cauline lvs 1-3; lower similar, smaller, on petioles up to c. 10 mm. long; upper linear, c. 5 mm. long, subentire. Scapes slender, ± 5-(10) cm. long. Capitula 5-7-(10) mm. diam.; receptacle ± convex. Phyll. ± 2.5 mm. long, obovate-oblong to oblong; margins scarious, us. ciliolate. Ray-florets c. 5 mm. long, white, sts pink-flushed. Achenes densely glandular-pubescent, narrow-obovoid, ± 2-3 × 1-1·25 mm.; margins slightly thickened. Pappus of a few distinct rather stout bristles, stramineous, unequal.
DIST.: N., S., St., C. Lowland to montane grassland, herbfield; occ. in light forest; from c. lat. 39° southwards, rather local.
Specimens from Campbell Id were recorded by Sorensen (D.S.I.R. Cape Exped. Ser. Bull. 7, 1951, 33) as B. thomsonii Kirk : "Common on open ridges and areas denuded of tussock by sheep. Flowering January and February. Cliffs north of Windlass Bay; western slopes of Mt. St. Col; valley north of Mt. Azimuth." They form a uniform set, perhaps best placed under C. radicata var. radicata. Glandular-pubescent small herb, up to ± 5-8 cm. tall. Stock stout, descending, apparently simple or sparingly branched. Lvs in basal rosettes; lamina ± 15-20 × 10mm., rather fleshy, obovate, crenately lobed in upper part, then cuneately narrowed to broadly winged subamplexicaul petiole c. 5 mm. long lobes subequal, except lowest pair, midrib prominent. Occ. lvs entire or subentire, narrow-obovate. Scapes stout, 2-7 cm. tall, densely glandular-pubescent. Capitula c. 10 mm. diam., receptacle convex; phyll. broadly obovate-oblong, 3-4 mm. long, toothed at tips, not or hardly scarious on margins.