Volume V (2000) - Flora of New Zealand Gramineae
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Puccinellia walkeri subsp. antipoda (Petrie) Edgar

subsp. antipoda (Petrie) Edgar, N.Z. J. Bot. 34: 26 (1996)

Atropis antipoda Petrie, in Chilton Subantarct. Is N.Z. 2: 480 (1909)

Puccinellia antipoda (Petrie) Allan et Jansen, T.R.S.N.Z. 69: 266 (1939); 

Lectotype: WELT 68542a! B. C. Aston Antipodes Island, Jan 1909 (designated by Edgar 1996 op. cit. p. 26).

Plants 6.5-25 cm. Leaf-sheath straw-coloured to light grey-brown or greenish brown. Panicle 2.5-8 × 0.4-1.5 cm; branches smooth to sparsely scabrid, sharply acute-angled. Lemma apex ciliate-scabrid, subobtuse, midnerve slightly excurrent. Palea keels scabrid in upper ½, excurrent.

Ant.: coastal and common.


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