Volume V (2000) - Flora of New Zealand Gramineae
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Puccinellia walkeri (Kirk) Allan subsp. walkeri

subsp. walkeri

Plants (9.5)-15-50 cm. Leaf-sheath straw-coloured to light greenish brown or grey-brown, sometimes purplish. Panicle (3)-6-17 × 0.5-2.5-(11) cm; branches scabrid, acute-angled. Lemma apex minutely ciliate-scabrid, subobtuse to obtuse, midnerve not excurrent. Palea keels scabrid in upper ½ - ⅔, reaching only to apex.

Cook Strait (The Brothers); S.: at scattered localities on the eastern and southern coasts from Banks Peninsula to Riverton; St. In salt marshes and on saline ground in estuaries; also on sandy and stony ground at high tide level.


Allan and Jansen (1939 op. cit. p. 266) treated Poa walkeri Kirk as a nomen nudum; Kirk's diagnosis distinguishes this taxon from other puccinelliae in N.Z.

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