Volume V (2000) - Flora of New Zealand Gramineae
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Alopecurus myosuroides

ξA. myosuroides Huds.

ξA. myosuroides Huds. ξCulm to 15 cm. Panicle c. 5.5 cm. Glumes c. 4.5 mm, acute, margins united for ⅓ length, lateral nerves with short hairs near base. Lemma c. 5 mm, ≥ glumes, ovate, blunt, membranous, keeled, glabrous, margins united below for c. ½ length; awn fine, c. 9 mm, inserted near base, projecting to c. 5 mm beyond lemma. Palea 0. Anthers and caryopsis not seen. An annual sp., indigenous to Eurasia and North Africa, recorded for N.Z. in 1844 but only one comparatively recent specimen has been found, CHR 215133, Mid Canterbury, 16.1.1941.

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