Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Cotula L.


Annual or perennial herbs, initially taprooted and often rooting at nodes. Lvs simple, entire to 1-2-pinnatisect, opposite or alternate. Capitula terminal, pedunculate; involucral bracts in (1)-2-3 rows, with membranous margins. Receptacle flat to hemispheric; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, in < 1 or 1-several rows; corolla much reduced or 0. Inner florets usually ⚥, rarely ♂; corolla tubular or flattened, some outer florets rarely appearing ligulate. Achenes dimorphic: those of ♀ florets broadly winged; those of ⚥ florets ribbed; pappus 0.


Lvs sparsely to densely clothed in long hairs, deeply and regularly 1-2-pinnatisect
Lvs glabrous or with long hairs inside lf sheath only, entire, with few irregular large lobes, or shallowly 1-(2)-pinnatisect
Peduncle scarcely expanded toward apex, solid; ⚥ florets all tubular; ♀ florets in 2-3 rows
Peduncle greatly expanded toward apex at fruiting, hollow; some outer florets with expanded corolla so that heads appear ligulate; ♀ florets in 1 or < 1 row
Lvs and stems completely glabrous
Lf sheath with long hairs inside and stems with scattered hairs

c. 48 spp., mostly in South Africa, also C. and N. Africa, Australasia, Asia, C. and S. America. Native spp. 2, naturalised 2.

Sect. Leptinella (Cass.) Hook. f., which contains most of the native spp., is distinguished from the remainder of Cotula by the basic chromosome number, x = 13 rather than 8 or 18, and the evident, inflated corolla of ♀ florets, and is therefore treated here at generic rank as Leptinella Cass. [Lloyd, D. G. and Webb, C. J., New Zealand J. Bot. 25 : 99-105 (1987)].

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