Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Tanacetum L.


Annual or perennial herbs, often rhizomatous. Lvs simple, entire to 1-3-pinnatisect, alternate. Capitula in corymbs, or rarely solitary, terminal, usually pedunculate; involucral bracts in 3-4 rows, often with membranous margins. Receptacle flat; scales 0 or few. Outer florets usually ♀ (sometimes all florets ⚥), ligulate or ligule much reduced, yellow, white or pink; inner florets usually ⚥ and tubular, transformed into ligulate florets in double forms. Achenes all similar, cylindric or clavate, sometimes with many small glands but otherwise glabrous, 3-10-ribbed; pappus a small toothed or lobed corona.


Outer florets ligulate, white; corymb loosely packed
Outer florets not or very shortly ligulate, yellow; corymb densely packed

c. 70 spp., Europe, temperate Asia. Naturalised spp. 2.

Tanacetum is part of the Chrysanthemum complex and is sometimes treated within Chrysanthemum sens. lat. Achenes of the 2 naturalised spp. are similar (see, T. parthenium, Fig. 17).

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