Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Anthemis L.


Annual, biennial, or perennial herbs or sometimes subshrubs, sometimes creeping but not rhizomatous. Lvs usually 1-3-pinnatisect or pinnate and then pinnatisect, rarely not divided, alternate. Capitula usually solitary, terminal, pedunculate; involucral bracts usually in 3 rows, usually at least the inner with membranous margins. Receptacle convex or conic; scales usually present, at least on upper part of receptacle. Outer florets usually ♀, rarely sterile, usually ligulate, rarely tubular, usually white or yellow, rarely purplish; inner florets ⚥, tubular. Achenes all similar, usually obconic, terete or square in section, sometimes compressed, smooth, ribbed or tuberculate, eglandular; pappus 0, or a small corona or auricle.


Ligules yellow; achenes compressed
Ligules white or very rarely 0; achenes square or circular in section
Receptacle scales linear, acute; achenes circular in section, narrowed slightly to apex, usually prominently tuberculate, sometimes ± smooth; plant strongly scented
Receptacle scales elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate; achenes square in section, broadest at apex, with thickened ribs and lacking tubercules; plant almost scentless

130 spp., Europe, Mediterranean, S.W. Asia, S. Africa. Naturalised spp. 3.

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