Achillea L.
Perennial herbs, often with stout woody rootstock. Lvs simple and entire to 3-4-pinnate or pinnatisect, alternate. Capitula in corymbs, or rarely solitary, terminal, usually pedunculate, rarely shortly so; involucral bracts in several rows, with membranous margins. Receptacle flat or convex; scales present. Outer florets ♀, ligulate, yellow, white or pink; inner florets ⚥; corolla tube compressed. Achenes all similar, compressed, glabrous, smooth, not or slightly winged at edges; pappus 0.
Lvs mostly 2-pinnate with segments again pinnatisect; ray florets 4-7 per capitulum
85 spp., Europe, S.W. and C. Asia, N. America. Naturalised spp. 4.