Volume V (2000) - Flora of New Zealand Gramineae
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Avena byzantina

ξA. byzantina K.Koch

ξA. byzantina K.Koch ξ, Algerian oat Tufts rather slender, rather stiff, 60-100 cm. Culm reddish at maturity. Panicle c. 20 cm, erect, equilateral, with rather few spikelets. Spikelets 30-50 mm, 3-(4)-flowered, lowest floret breaking from rachilla with an oblique (c. 45 ) fracture. Lemmas reddish brown, glabrous except for tuft of long hairs at base of lowest lemma; awn ± straight, or geniculate at base, usually weak or lacking in upper lemma. Caryopsis c. 10 × 2.5 mm, light brown, very hairy. Algerian oats have been grown in N.Z. for many years, especially in North Id. Collected as an escape from cultivation only in North Canterbury, in waste places near Christchurch, and at Motunau Id.

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