Cotula filiformis
Type locality: "Canterbury Plains, amongst grass". Type: K, Haast. Record from North Id at Titahi Bay needs confirmation; barren plants seen by me are very similar to South Id forms.
Stems creeping, branching, rooting, almost filiform but rather stiff, rather densely clad in short subappressed to spreading white hairs; often forming open patches up to c. 3 dm. diam. Lvs alt., rather distant along stems and branchlets, occ. in small fascicles. Lamina oblong to obovate-oblong, membr., pubescent to nearly glab., 4-6-10-(20) × 2-3-(5) mm., on petioles up to c. 5 mm. long; pinnatisect to pinnatifid; pinnae ± 6 subopp. pairs, obovate-oblong, subacute, subapiculate to obtuse, ± 1 mm. long, very shortly petiolulate. Scape filiform, glab. or nearly so, or ± densely clad in appressed to spreading short hairs, ± 10-20 mm. long, nude. Capitula 2-3-5 mm. diam., receptacle conical. Phyll. ± 6-8, suborbicular, ± 1 mm. long, margins purple, erose. Florets white or faintly yellow. ♀ c. 20, corolla broad-cylindric, short, 2-lobed. ♂ funnelform; lobes 4, 1·5 mm. long, glandular, broad-triangular. Achenes obconic, c. 0.75 mm. long, ± glandular.
DIST.: S. Lowland to montane grassland, open shrubland from c. lat. 42° to 43° 30', east of divide.