Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Cotula atrata Hook.f.

C. atrata Hook. f. Handbk N.Z. Fl. 1864, 142.

Type locality: Wairau George, 4-6500 ft. Type: K, Travers.

Stems stout, sulcate, creeping, up to 2 dm. long; branches ascending, up to ± 15 cm. long, lfy, densely glandular-pubescent. Lvs in basal clusters and also distributed along branches. Lamina narrow-oblong to narrow-obovate in outline, (10)-15-20-(40) × (5)-15-20 mm., thick, fleshy, glandular-pubescent; pinnatifid to pinnatisect with flat petiole ± 1 cm. long widening to almost scarious sheath with evident veins. Pinnae up to c. 12 pairs, often again pinnately cut, ultimate segs very small, ± linear. Scape 3-6 cm. long; bracts several, lflike, lower up to c. 3 cm. long. Capitula (8)-10-15-20 mm. diam., receptacle slightly convex to hemispherical. Phyll. in 2-4 series; outer linear-subulate to narrow-spathulate, up to 6 mm. long; inner obovate, petiolate, to 5 mm. long; all clad in subappressed hairs and ± toothed. Florets black, ± glandular-pubescent, bearing scattered hairs; ♀ in 3-5 series, corolla cylindric, ± rugulose, 3-4-toothed; ♂ with long tube and 4-toothed limb. Achenes c. 3 mm. long, narrow-obovoid, rugulose.

DIST.: S. Montane to subalpine screes, especially when damp, from c. lat. 41°30' to south of 44°.

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