Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Cotula minor (Hook.f.) Hook.f.

C. minor Hook, f. Handbk N.Z. Fl. 1864, 142.

Leptinella minor Hook. f. Fl. N.Z. 1, 1853, 129.

Soliva tenella A. Cunn. in Ann. nat. Hist. 2, 1839, 128 ?

Type locality: Canterbury Plains. Type: K, Travers. The type sheet has 8 plants, 7 with capitula.

Stems creeping, rooting, up to c. 4 dm. long, glab. to silky-hairy; branches very slender to almost filiform, often glab. or nearly so; lvs alt. or fascicled at nodes. Lamina narrowly obovate-oblong, thin, membr., glab. or slightly hairy when young, (10)-15-30-(50) × 5-10 mm.; pinnatisect to pinnate. Pinnae c. 10 pairs, rather distant, subopp.; upper ± oblong, ± 5 × 3 mm., sessile, us. deeply toothed all round, teeth ovate-oblong, acute, apiculate; lower rather distant, c. 2 mm. long, often entire. Costa flat, glab. or sparsely glandular. Petioles chartaceous, 5-(10) mm. long, with sheathing bases. Scape ± 15 mm. long, slender to filiform, nude, with minute sparse hairs. Capitula (2)-3-5 mm. diam.; receptacle slightly convex. Phyll. c. 10, broad-oblong to ovate-oblong, 1-2 mm. long, margins us. purple. Florets and achenes glandular. ♀ in 3-4 series, corolla broad-ovoid, 2-3-toothed or entire; ♂ ∞, funnelform, tube c. 2 mm. long; teeth minute, narrow-triangular. Achenes obovoid, compressed, c. 1 mm. long.

DIST.: N., S. Lowland to montane from near North Cape southwards; wet ground, margins of swamps, streamsides, shaded grassy places, sandy tidal flats. Doubtfully recorded for Campbell Id (Sorensen, D.S.I.R. Cape Exped. Ser. Bull. 7, 1951, 34).

Cunningham has: "S. tenella, repens stolonifera, foliis pinnatifidis, apice dilatatis pinnatolobatis, lobis oblongis incisis. New Zealand (Northern Island), on the margins of fresh-water streams―1864, R. Cunningham." Hooker (Fl. N.Z. 1, 1853, 129) doubtfully places Soliva tenella A. Cunn. as a synonym of Leptinella dioica "fide exemplar mancum in Herb. Heward". In Handbk N.Z. Fl. 1864, 141, 143  Soliva tenella A. Cunn. is cited without comment as a synonym of both C. australis and C. dioica. Kirk (Stud. Fl. 1899, 325) and Cheeseman (Man. N.Z. Fl. 1925, 996) treat it as a synonym of C. minor. I have not seen specimens.

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