Volume V (2000) - Flora of New Zealand Gramineae
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Brachypodium P.Beauv.

Brachypodium P.Beauv., 1812

Type species: B. pinnatum (L.) P.Beauv.

Perennials, rarely annuals, rhizomatous or tufted. Ligule membranous. Leaf-blade flat or involute. Raceme linear, loose, with rather few, shortly pedicelled spikelets borne singly and alternately on either side of non-articulating rachis. Spikelets 5-20-flowered, subterete to slightly laterally compressed; disarticulation above glumes and below each lemma. Glumes unequal, distinctly 3-9-nerved, < lemma, firmly membranous, lanceolate, rounded, obtuse to shortly awned. Lemma 7-9-nerved, herbaceous to firmly membranous, sometimes becoming coriaceous, rounded, entire, usually with a terminal awn. Palea ≥ lemma, keel ciliolate. Lodicules spathulate, ciliolate. Stamens 3. Ovary pubescent at apex; styles free. Caryopsis narrowly ellipsoid; embryo small; hilum ± linear, ≈ caryopsis. Fig. 13.


Awn « lemma; plant strongly rhizomatous
Awn ≥ lemma; plant tufted, sometimes very shortly rhizomatous
Plants > 30 cm, perennial; anthers 3-4.5 mm
Plants < 30 cm, annual; anthers < 1 mm

16 spp., of temperate Eurasia and in mountains in the tropics from Mexico to Bolivia. Naturalised spp. 2; transient sp. 1.

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