Volume V (2000) - Flora of New Zealand Gramineae
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Subfamily Panicoideae


Spikelets solitary, or paired, or in triplets, usually dorsally compressed, all alike, or differing in sex, size, shape and structure. Fertile spikelets usually 2-flowered, the lower floret ♂, Ø, or ⚥, the upper floret ⚥ or ♀; rachilla not prolonged; rarely plants dioecious. Glumes or upper lemma indurated. Lodicules 2, cuneate, fleshy, truncate. Stamens usually 3, rarely fewer. Stigmas usually 2. Caryopsis with large embryo. Ligule usually a membranous rim with dense ciliate fringe, but sometimes entirely membranous (Axonopus, Digitaria, Paspalum) and occasionally suppressed (Echinochloa).

The mainly tropical to subtropical subfamily Panicoideae is represented by only 4 indigenous spp. in N.Z. - 3 spp. in tribe Paniceae, 1 sp. in tribe Isachneae; and 1 endemic sp. in tribe Andropogoneae. However, 42 taxa of Paniceae, and 9 taxa of Andropogoneae are fully naturalised in N.Z. In addition, 9 spp. in Paniceae and 4 spp. in Andropogoneae have been recorded once or twice as introduced to N.Z.

Tribes: 19. Paniceae; 20. Isachneae; 21. Andropogoneae

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