ξSesleria Scop. ξ, from Europe, is a genus of ± caespitose perennial spp. distinguished by spiciform, cylindrical to globose, bluish to silvery panicles subtended by 2 well-developed scarious bracts. Allan, H. H. N.Z. DSIR Bull. 49: 64 (1936) recorded that two species had been collected in N.Z. but neither appeared to have become established. Both were collected by J. F. and J. B. Armstrong, near Christchurch, undated [late 19th Century] and labelled "rare". They have not been seen since. S. albicans Schult. ( CHR 5064 ) has the uppermost leaf < 1 cm and a dense, ovate panicle; in S. autumnalis (Scop.) F.W.Schultz ( CHR 5065 ) the uppermost leaf is > 4 cm, and the panicle lax, ± linear-oblong.