Cassinia retorta A.Cunn. ex DC.
C. leptophylla A. Cunn. in Ann. nat. Hist. 2, 1839, 128
non Calea leptophylla Forst. f. Prodr. 1786, 55.
Type locality: Hokianga River. Type: K, R. Cunningham.
Shrub up to 5 m. tall; branchlets stout, white-tomentose. Lvs 2-5 × 1-2 mm., c. linear-oblong to narrow-obovate, margins revolute; lamina rather strongly recurved from erect short petiole, coriac., becoming glab. above, beneath clad in dense white tomentum, (sts yellowish). Capitula 3-10 or more in small corymbs, on short pedicels; phyll. in 3-4 series, tomentose on back, inner with short white tips; forming a turbinate involucre 4-7 mm. long, up to 9 mm. diam. Scales of receptacle ∞, with erect white tips; florets 10-20. Achenes c. 1 mm. long, glab.; pappus-hairs up to 3·5 mm. long, slender, hardly or not thickened at tips.
DIST.: N. Coastal dunes and scrub from North Cape to lat. 38° 30'.