Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Cassinia vauvilliersii (Hombr. & Jacquinot ex Decne.) Hook.f.

C. vauvilliersii (Homb. et Jacq.) Hook. f. Fl. N.Z. 1, 1853, 133.

Ozothamnus vauvilliersii Homb. et Jacq. ex Decne in Voy Pôle Sud 1853, 38, f. 5.

Olearia xanthophylla Col. in T.N.Z.I. 20, 1888, 193.

Type locality: Auckland Is. Type: ? Occ. flowering as late as April.

Shrub up to 3 m. tall; branchlets rather stout, furrowed, ± glutinous, clad in fulvous tomentum. Lvs 5-12 × 2-3 mm., finally spreading from erect petioles, coriac., becoming glab. above, clad in fulvous tomentum below, linear-spathulate to narrow oblong-obovate, margins slightly revolute, midrib prominent below. Capitula 10-20 or more, in dense corymbs, pedicels short. Phyll. in 3-4 series, outer tomentose on back, inner with white radiating tips; forming a turbinate involucre c. 4 mm. long. Scales of receptacle ∞, white-tipped; florets 8-15; achenes hardly 1 mm. long, glab. to sparsely pubescent; pappus-hairs up to 4·5 mm. long, distinctly thickened at tips.

DIST.: N., S., A. Lowland to montane or lower subalpine shrubland and grassland from lat. 37° southwards.

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