Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Cassinia R.Br.

CASSINIA R. Br., 1817

Capitula small, in corymbose panicles, mainly homogamous; phyll. in several series, imbricate, scarious; receptacle us. with scarious white-tipped scales. Florets perfect, tubular, 5-toothed, or a few outer ones filiform, pistillate. Anthers sagittate at base, cells produced into filiform tails; style-arms terete, truncate. Achenes small, angled or subterete or slightly compressed; pappus-hairs slender, in one series. Shrubs or undershrubs with alt. entire lvs. About 20 spp. of Australia, N.Z. and S. Africa. The N.Z. spp. are endemic and belong to subgenus Rhynea, with inner phyll. bearing white radiating tips; capitula us. with 1 or 2 filiform pistillate outer florets.


Plant not > c. 6 dm. tall; lvs 6 mm.-2 cm. long, white-tomentose below; capitula narrow-turbinate; florets 4-6 per capitulum; scales of receptacle absent or not more than 2; achenes with sparse long hairs; phyll. tomentose
Plant not having all above characters in combination
Lvs of linear order, not or hardly widened above middle
Lvs of obovate order, distinctly widened above middle
Scales of receptacle ∞; lvs 2-3 mm. long; tomentum whitish
Scales of receptacle absent or 1-2; lvs 3-10 mm. long; tomentum fulvous
Lvs strongly recurved, not > c. 5 mm. long; pappus-hairs very slightly thickened at tips
Lvs suberect or spreading, c. 6·5-10 mm. long; pappus-hairs distinctly thickened at tips

Fls are us. found from November to February and frs soon afterwards, occ. until April.

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