Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Epilobium chlorifolium Hausskn.

E. chloraefolium Hauss. in Öst. bot. Z. 29, 1879, 149.

E. chloraefolium var. verum Ckn. in T.N.Z.I. 50, 1918, 171.

Type locality: "Wairau Valley". Type: K, Kirk, 774.

Herb with stout to rather slender stems, often much-branched from near the somewhat woody stock, ± 15-45 cm. tall; branchlets ascending, bifariously pubescent to almost pilose, rather stout. Lvs opp., floral sts alt., ± remote, on broad ± pubescent petioles up to 2 mm. long. Lamina green to brownish green, broad-ovate to ovate-oblong, sts subacute, (8)-12-(20) × 6-(14) mm., subcoriac., glab. or very nearly so; margins rounded to subcordate at base, rather remotely but distinctly rather coarsely denticulate. Fls 8-12 mm. diam.; calyx ± 5 mm. long, lobes ovate-lanceolate, cleft to ± halfway; petals white or rose, 8-9 mm. long. Capsules rather stout, 3-4 cm. long, green to erubescent, sparsely ± glandular hairy; peduncles ± pilose, 20-25 mm. long. Seeds papillose.

DIST.: N., S. Montane to subalpine grassland and herbfield from lat. 38° southwards.

FL.- FT. 10-2.

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